How to Grow Alfalfa Sprouts at Home!
Have you ever wanted to learn how to grow your own sprouts at home, but have no idea where to start?
Maybe you think it's too hard, or you don't have the space or time?
If you want to grow your own healthy, nutritious alfalfa sprouts, all you need is a mason jar, a small space on your kitchen counter, and about 60 seconds a day. Or less!
Seriously, it's that simple!
I have instructions and a product list below. And if you really want to see me step WAY out of my comfort zone, I even have a beginner video attached!
What are sprouts?
Alfalfa sprouts are young, immature sprouted seeds that are packed with vitamins and nutrients. They have an earthy, nutty flavor with a unique, crispy texture!
What makes them so good for you?
Alfalfa sprouts may help:
- Reduce the risk of cancer
- Maintain healthy estrogen levels
- Aid in weight loss
- Help prevent diabetes
- Lower cholesterol levels
- Improve Digestion
- Prevent osteoporosis
- Stimulate your metabolism
They are high in Vitamin K, contain Vitamin C, Vitamin B, and magnesium, iron, and calcium.
How Do I Use Them?
We eat sprouts on just about EVERYTHING! My kids love them, and they really do add an extra flavor to your dish. Plus don't forget all of the health benefits that are hidden inside those tiny sprouts!
You can add sprouts to:
- Sandwiches
- Salad
- Wraps
- Tacos
- Burgers
- Eggs
- Quesadillas
- Smoothies
- Avocado toast (my personal favorite)
- Soup topping
- The list goes on and on!
So, How Can You Grow Your Own Sprouts?
- Grab a wide mouth mason jar, make sure it's clean and sterilized.
- Add a Tablespoon of Organic Alfalfa Seeds
- Fill your jar with about a cup of cool distilled or filtered water and let your seeds soak for about 8 hours. (I start mine in the evening and let them soak overnight)
- Add a mesh lid, like this one: Sprouting Lids
- Drain off the excess water and set the jar on the counter or in a bowl, in at an angle in an inverted position. Or you can use a Sprouting Stand.
- Rinse and drain with cool water, once a day, every day, for the next 5 days.
- Your sprouts will be ready on day 6 or 7!
Keep them refrigerated. They can last from 1 - 2 weeks in the refrigerator.
It really is that simple!
Here's your product list:
Alfalfa Seeds
Sprouting Lids
Sprouting Stand
Happy growing!
Karen Sissons
Ok, you made this look too easy but I’m going to give it a whirl. Thank you for posting