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If you're growing cucumbers, you know how quickly they can produce from, what seems like a few hours, to overnight!  And before you know it, you have way more cukes than you know what to do with! What DO you do with them all?  A person can only eat so many! Have every ever made pickles?  Sweet, dill, bread and butter...? We love them here!  I have made them by waterbath canning and in a huge crock, but my favorite and easiest way to make them is in the refrigerator. They come out crisp, crunchy, and of course, cold. But...

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Pasture raised eggs.  They are truly a complete protein. Did you know that all B vitamins are found in eggs, including B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12, choline, biotin, and folic acid?You probably know that eggs are a good source of omega-3, but did you know that pasture raised eggs are higher than all the others?  And the darker orange the higher in omega-3s and nutritional value? But not all eggs are created equal. Standard White Eggs.  Roughly 95% of store eggs come from industrial chicken houses where hens are crammed into small cages, rows upon rows, fed a steady...

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I don’t like radishes. I know. That’s so unfarmer of me. So, why do I grow them? Because they’re easy, they’re the first thing that comes up in my garden in the spring, and they’re really pretty. But since I grow them, and they grow pretty well, I have made it a point the try to eat them. Last season, we started experimenting with radish recipes. Yep, there are actual recipes! I found that if we roast them or cook them, the texture and flavor totally changes! Not even kidding! I cut them in half and roast them in the...

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A few years ago, I had trouble finding dressings that were natural and didn't contain any fillers, high sodium, or disgusting fake flavors.So, my husband and daughter set out on a mission to create all of our favorite dressings at home, and all from scratch. They turned out great.  And if you don't think you have the time to make your own, then you'll never believe how simple these recipes are! And don't skip the blue cheese dressing!  I used to hate that stuff.  But ever since we made it at home, it's one of my favorites.  I am not...

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raw milk -

Frustrated by dietary dairy restrictions?  Do you have digestive problems so bad that you can't even enjoy a simple glass of milk?  Have you been told you are lactose intolerant or maybe you have severe allergies that keep you from enjoying a meal with your family!You've probably heard a lot of talk about raw milk lately.  It's a popular subject around my farm.  But just like anything else, buzz words and labeling can be very confusing. Maybe you've heard rumors that raw milk is unsafe?  Or that it's illegal?  Or you don't even know what it is!  So what are...

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